"TEAMWORK divides the task and multiplies the SUCCESS"

It all began in 2015 when our Owner, Mike Gayman, left his job and never looked back. He has been in the construction industry as far back as an early teen framing spec homes. He made the quick decision that custom homes and commercial construction were the right career paths for him. He knew the personal connections, he would get building someone's dreams, watching the owners' eyes light up knowing they will be living or working there for the next 50 years was the drive he needed. After 15 years of being a self-motivated and laser focused, he decided to try it out on his own so he could share that feeling with a team that was passionate just like him.
If you're prepared to collaborate and begin your build, we are too. We will work hard to provide you with the best experience we can.
Looking to be a part of our Team?
Feel free to connect with us here to fill out as much as you can. We will review your submission and get back to you, as quickly as possible.
New Hires
Below are the forms we need you to fill out once you join our team. Please fill out, save to your desktop and email to elizabeth@betterbuiltnorthwest.
Seeking Sub-Contractors
We are always wanting to expand our digital rolodex, and we would love to get to know you and your company to see if we may be a potential fit. Please fill out below our online form to give us a better understanding of your company and how we can best reach out to you. We also need a Certificate of Insurance, listing Better Built Northwest as additionally insured, as well as a W-9.